Giuristi e non solo a Pechino per studiare la gestione del cambiamento climatico e le leggi sulla proprietà intellettuale

Giuristi (e non solo) di tutto il mondo, unitevi. A Pechino, dal 7 luglio al 4 agosto, per partecipare alla settima edizione della Summer School in China/Executive Education Training Program, il corso estivo organizzato dal Dipartimento di diritto pubblico, processuale civile, internazionale ed europeo dell’Università degli Studi di Milano e dal Dipartimento di Diritto dell’Università di Torino, in accordo con la School of Government dell’Università di Pechino, e in collaborazione con Università del Piemonte Orientale, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Università dell’Insubria, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università di Lund, Università di Provence Aix Marseille e Università Carlos III de Madrid.

Una squadra di atenei che anche quest’anno offrirà ai propri studenti la possibilità di partecipare a un progetto di formazione molto intenso. Un progetto che, innanzi tutto, sono due: l’edizione 2012 della Summer School in China ha infatti in programma due curricula paralleli: il “Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP)” e il “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China).

Si svolgeranno (rigorosamente in inglese) all’interno della prestigiosa Università di Pechino e sono aperti a studenti di qualsiasi disciplina, ma pensati soprattutto per studenti e laureati di giurisprudenza, scienze politiche, economia, lingue, filosofia, scienze ambientali e ingegneria. Entrambi partono con una introduzione a leggi, istituzioni e politica cinese, ma poi il primo si concentra sui temi della gestione dei problemi ambientali a livello globale, del legame tra ambiente, scienza e società e dei risvolti legislativi, economici e politici del cambiamento climatico. Il secondo percorso approfondisce invece i punti fondamentali delle leggi sulla proprietà intellettuale in Cina e sul trasferimento tecnologico.

Tematiche di grande interesse per studi legali, organizzazioni internazionali e aziende multinazionali: per questo, grazie a una programmazione a incastro, i partecipanti potranno seguire entrambi i curricula. Al termine della summer school, agli studenti saranno offerte occasioni di tirocinio in importanti istituzioni, aziende ed enti in Cina e in Europa, oltre alla certezza di entrare a far parte del network degli ex alunni, dove circolano settimanalmente proposte di lavoro e di stage.

I due curricula sono riconosciuti dal Consiglio nazionale forense come attività formative nell’ambito della formazione obbligatoria per gli avvocati, con l’attribuzione di 24 crediti formativi.
Due borse di studio finanziate dalla Fondazione Cariplo sono disponibili per gli studenti partecipanti.

 May 21, 2012

Emma Lupano, Il Sole 24 Ore

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Recent Events

Edition 2020 - Call for early bird applications to apply for Summer Institute 2020 in China, deadline on 31 December 2019. Read the brochure here.

October 30, 2019

Edition 2019 - Call for applications to apply for Summer Institute 2019 in China, deadline on 31 May 2019. Read the brochure

April 9, 2019

Korean applicants - Read the brochure in Korean language. Call for applications to apply for Summer Institute 2018 in China, deadline on 30 April 2018.

March 30, 2018

SLI 2017 cultural excursion - SLI 2017 organises a cultural excursion for the participants to learn more about the Chinese culture, history, customs and cusine

July 11, 2017

Culture experience - participants of the Edition 2017 can experience the Chinese culture, history, customs and cusine 

July 10, 2017

Video - Interview with Elide Vincenti, participant of SLI 2015

March 2, 2016

Video - Interview with Andrej Naumovski, participant of SLI 2015

February 22, 2016

Video - Interview with Yang Jian Bo, participant of SLI 2015

January 23, 2016

Video - Interview with Pierfrancesco Rossi, participant of SLI 2015

December 26, 2015

Video - Interview with Davide Caffi, participant of SLI 2015

December 9, 2015

Video - Summer Institute in China 2016 is here!

December 1, 2015

Lecture - prof. Paolo Farah: "The Interface between Intellectual Property and Competition Law"

August 1, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - prof. Paolo Farah: "IP, Human Rights and Intangible Cultural Heritage"

July 31, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr. Davide Follador: “The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China: Geographical Indications, E-commerce and Anti-Counterfeiting Strategies and Approaches” 

July 27, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - Ms. Xu Lin: "The Registration, Use and Protection of Trademark in China"

July 24, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr. Matteo Barra: "Overview and lessons in Central Asia from investment disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty"

July 23, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - Ms. Zhang Lingling: "China's Copyright Law and Typical Cases" 

July 23, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr. Meph Jia Gui: "Patent Infringement Litigation in China"

July 21, 2015 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr. Benoit Misonne: “Protection of Copyrights in the Digital Era”

July 20, 2015 - Beijing

Key Note Speech - Prof. Daniel Bell: "Democracy, Meritocracy, or Both? Reflections on China's Political Future"

July 20, 2015 - Beijing

Video - Participant of the SLI 2014, Hassan Younas from Pakistan speaks about his experience at the SLI, his professional objectives and endeavours, his collaboration with the European and International students within the program and the new projects with the United Nations thanks to the SLI 

November 30, 2014 
November 10, 2014 
November 5, 2014 
November 4, 2014

Video - Participant of SLI 2014, Imad Ibrahim (Lebanon) interviewed 

November 3, 2014 

Video - Daniel Muth (Hungary), Participant of SLI 2014, shares his memories

November 3, 2014

Video - Several International students (France, Slovakia, China, Hungary, Lebanon, Pakistan, Spain, Armenia etc) speak out about their experience attending SLI

November 3, 2014
October 9, 2014

August 12, 2014 - Beijing

Conference - Social, Cultural and Legal Perspective on Chinese - Political and Economic - Liberalism Today; within LIBEAC Project

August 8, 2014 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr Davide Follador, Intellectual Property: A Key to Sustainable Competitiveness (IP Key - An EU project implemented and co-financed by OHIM in partnership with the EPO)

August 1, 2014 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr Lorenzo Riccardi, Associate at RSA, Leading Tax and Corporate Advisory Firm assisting Companies, Multinational Groups and Institutions in Asian Region and Far East

July 31, 2014 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr Sergio Scanu, Senior Associate - Chiomenti Law Firm, Beijing Branch

July 30, 2014 - Beijing

Lecture - Mr Benoit Misonne, Intellectual Property: A Key to Sustainable Competitiveness (IP Key - An EU project implemented and co-financed by OHIM in partnership with the EPO)

July 29, 2014 - Beijing

Lecture - Prof. Paolo D. Farah, Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei – IUSE; West Virginia University, USA; gLAWcal, UK

July 28, 2014 - Beijing

Lecture - Ms Sara Marchetta, Vice-President European Chamber of Commerce in China and Partner Chiomenti Law Firm, Beijing Branch

July 25, 2014 - Beijing

Key Note Speech - Prof. Daniel Bell Department of Philosophy and  Director of the Center for International and  Comparative Political Theory at Tsinghua  University

July 21, 2014 - Beijing

Alumni Stories - Summer Law Institute Participants narrate their experience at the latest SLI 2013

Alumni Stories  - Get an insight into the Summer Law Institute Programme by reading the stories of 2012 SLI Participants!

Video Stories - SLI Participants to the 2011 and 2012 Editions talk about their experience live on camera!

Alumni Stories - Find out what happened to 2011 SLI Participants since they took part to the Summer Law Institute

Lecture - Dr Fuqiang YANG from NRDC

August 15, 2013 - Beijing

ConferenceGlobal Choke Point: Water-Energy-Food Confrontations in the World's Two Largest Economies

August 7, 2013 - Beijing

RoundtableGuest speakers series on Intellectual Property Law and China

July 26, 2013 - Beijing