The Program aims at students, young graduates and professionals with different backgrounds to give them the opportunity to approach China in a multicultural environment. Both students and professionals from different countries will experience different teaching methods in prestigious Chinese universities and enjoy from the stimulating exchange of different ideas and opinions.
For these reasons, apart the frontal lectures the Summer School organizes a number of events involving experts of Chinese law, politics and culture, environment, sustainable development and intellectual property.
Highly qualified representatives from private companies, law firms, international and governmental organizations, are invited to connect the academia with the world of work, giving to younger participants the possibility to find future job opportunities, and to senior participants the possibility to engage with local professionals.
Staff and Lecturers
Lectures are taught by academic staff from worldwide universities (China, United States, Canada, Italy, France, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Sweden) and by experts and professionals working in governmental and non-governmental institutions.
Lecturers have different educational backgrounds ranging from law, philosophy, economic, international relations and political sciences, engineering, energy and environmental sciences. Moreover, the participants are assisted by tutors who will help them with any organizational or logistic need.
Activities and Methods
With our teaching methods we aim at stimulating the interaction within the class and to encourage all the students to participate actively in order to share comments and opinions on the topics addressed. Moreover, the Summer Law Institute organizes a number of lectures involving experts of Chinese law, politics and culture, environment, sustainable development and intellectual property as well as other experts who may offer an interesting view on the subjects treated during the courses. The participants are also tested through the submission of papers, in-class exams as well as oral presentations.
The capital of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing is the nation’s political, economic, cultural and educational center. Thanks to its geographical location, situated in northern China, close to the port of Tianjin and partially surrounded by Hebei province, the metropolis is the main transportation hub and port of entry, and serves as an important center for international trade and communications.
Beijing’s history dates back to three millennia: for centuriesit has been the heart and soul of politics and society, which makes it an attractive destination for travellers willing to explore its rich and opulent cultural heritage. At the same time, thanks to China’s impressive economic and social transformation, the capital, home to 21 million people, has become one of the most populous cities in the world and a frenetic and vibrant city buzzing with energy.
Beijing best epitomizes the exciting blend of tradition and modernity characterizing China today, and is a must-visit destination for any young mind driven by curiosity about the outside world!
Our History
The Summer Law institute has been organized since the year 2006. Thanks to the vision of the Scientific Director and Program Co-ordinator, from the first edition up to the present one, the structure of the program has strongly evolved to keep the program always up-to-date and at the highest academic and professional standards. For instance, the new SICCEP curriculum was added together with the round tables, the job fair, the internship program and the international and European collaborations.