Eugenia Simò - SLI Participant in 2013
"One of the most interesting experiences I had in my life.."
Lengua original española
I heard about the Summer Law Institute in China because my university offered it as a summer activity. I decided to apply because I thought it would be a great experience both from a personal and an academic point of view. When I finally decided to attend the Summer Law Institute, I didn’t know what to expect from China or the program. However, I have to say that it has been one of the most interesting experiences I have had in my life. First, because the curricula of both SICCEP and IP were very interesting and very interactive. Second, because I had the chance to get to know a fully new country from a different point of view. Being able to know both the academic Chinese World and the life that the international young community has in China has given me a broader vision of the World. Now, I wouldn’t have any problem in moving to China, a very different country, for two or three years, and I think this is a very important factor to take into account regarding the personal development this experience has given me.
Ilse Berlamont - SLI Participant in 2013
".. the teachers are highly qualified with extensive research interests and profound knowledge"
Original Dutch language
It is with great pleasure I share with you my experience of the Summer Law Institute, which I attended in 2013. Everyone has a different reason for participating in this Summer Law Institute in China. For me, it was a class about Chinese law that I followed at my home university. This course triggered me to discover China and I was eager to learn more about the Chinese legal system. Consequently, I applied to this Summer Law Institute in China.
The Summer Law Institute combined the two things I was looking for. On the one hand, experiencing the Chinese way of live and its rich culture and on the other hand, discovering Chinese law about intellectual property and technology transfer combined with the Chinese approaches to intellectual property rights and competition policy. During this Summer Law Institute I also gathered a basic knowledge of the Chinese legal system thanks to the course that introduced us to Chinese law, institutions and politics.
Gloria Millepezzi - SLI Participant in 2013
"To investigate in nowadays hot issues while projecting towards the future"
Lingua originale italiana
I heard about Beijing Summer Law Institute by chance, when I was in Japan as an exchange student and made up my mind to apply for it quite quickly. Though being extremely interested both in intellectual property rights and climate change-related matters, I cannot deny that the familiarity with the Eastern world as well as the charming atmosphere I had been cast into in Japan played an important role in making me decide to set off for China. Nevertheless, I would like to highlight that Peking University Summer Law Institute turned out not to be a secondary experience at all. On the contrary, it enriched my knowledge about the subjects the two curricula perfectly covered, including topics unavoidably intertwined and that deserve deep legal investigation, today more than ever.
Lorenzo Pietro Spiller - SLI Participant in 2013
"... international environment of classes and lectures motivates the discussion and ensures the representation of a different point of view concerning those themes."
Original Italian language
One of the most common mistakes people usually make while discussing about China is to consider it as an embryonic or naïve reality, both from a cultural and a political perspective. But it definitely isn’t. China takes part into the different political, legal and economical processes at a global level a mature having a set of values and principles which have been developed in centuries of philosophical and political debate.
This concept could seem banal, but indeed it is essential so as to attain a precise understanding of the Chinese approach towards international legal and policy issues. As Pan Yue, the far-sighted (but now side-lined) Chinese vice-minister for the environment once said: “We will fight climate change in the Chinese way”.